Procter and Gamble, China
Crest Whitening Toothpaste
360 digital campaign
The Challenge:
Reposition Crest Whitening toothpaste in China from an Oral Care to Beauty Care brand, while also increasing product awareness and market share.
The Insight:
In China a smile is an indication of confidence, and white teeth are the perfect vehicle to deliver that confidence. It also represents a universal symbol for true beauty and something that is natural with no need for make-up.
Creative Strategy:
Using a renown Chinese stylist, Tony Li, we announced a new and unique beauty trend – Your Smile. It started with a countdown to a fashion show where the lucky attendees would find out from Tony Li the latest and most natural beauty secret. The campaign evolved into a contest to find a brand ambassador for Crest – the girl with the perfect smile! Touchpoints included email, display, microsite, SNS, Digital OOH and POS and mobile.
* The work shared here represents a small portion of a fully integrated cross-media business pitch. The pitch successfully secured the digital business of P&G China. Client confidentiality prohibits sharing further brand case study information.

Vox pop videos from our target audience in China, commenting on the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile.
The Launch Site
Featuring live webcasts of the fashion show, registration for the 'Smile' campaign, beauty tips and sharing of smiles.

China Smile
Suggested large screen media for China Smile installation.

Online Countdown
Non-branded emails and banner ads during teaser phase – building interest and awareness with a countdown to an event hosted by China’s top stylist, Tony Li.

Product pages and shopping cart linked to Taobao site.

Interactive and Social
Interactive kiosks with face recognition software where smiles could be uploaded and submitted in the Smile competition. Targeted offers and apps could be downloaded to entrant’s mobiles.
Polling took place online. Key social networking sites were also essential in providing support and driving awareness of Crest Whitening toothpaste and the Smile competition.